jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016


When the life is based on structural things, each moment in which you start making something different would be wrong for the others and would create a great problem because they are not accustomed.
“It had been my custom to throw the babes into the river which nature had thoughtfully provided for the purpose, but that night I did not dare to leave the oilery for fear of the constable. "After all," I said to myself, "it cannot greatly matter if I put it into this cauldron. My father will never know the bones from those of a puppy, and the few deaths which may result from administering another kind of oil for the incomparable ol. can. are not important in a population which increases so rapidly." In short, I took the first step in crime and brought myself untold sorrow by casting the babe into the cauldron” Bierce oil of dog.
In some moments you start thinking that making a change is awesome, but you make it in silence because you know that the others would silenciated you and take out that idea of your mind, but… is for real a good idea or only is an idea chosen by a impulse on the mind of the ones who never take care of what they think and only start creating (destroying) a new world of possibilities, but they still have the eyes closed, and the mind blind.
The way in which the heart, the mind and the eyes get blind and lost is by the time in which you start seeing  the thing in your way, only in the way you think are good, is also destroying when you leave that things like that controls you.

The society and the people the surrounds you would be never in pro of you, and the bad decision made by fast impulses would change your life in a moment, a change that is definitely delicious and destructive

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