sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016


Every soul-Eveline

Every soul is alone in a deep world of sad pads
Very acostumed was Keogh for taking out ilusions of others people mind
Eveline find a men for living toguether, for creating a home
Last in races like fast in memories, like forguetting all, of having a lot of dreams
In every place "all the world's seas stirred around her heart."
Nobody say how live have to be and all the pain on it
Every soul is alone...alone...alone

you can find the text on:

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016


See: sea (to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes: the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth, smaller than an ocean)
Sad: sat (unhappy or sorry: past simple and past participle of sit)
day: they(a period of 24 hours
used as the subject of a verb to refer to people, animals or things already mentioned or, more generally, to a group of people not clearly described)
off: of (
away from a place or position, especially the present place, position, or time: used to show possession, belonging, or origin)
to: too(
 used after some verbs, especially when the action described in the infinitive will happen later: more than is needed or wanted; more than is suitable or enough)
had: hat(
 past simple or past participle of have , also used with the past participle of other verbs to form the past perfect: a covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothing)
with: wit(used to say that 
people or things are in a place together or are doing something together: the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way)
him: hymn(used, usually as the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to a man, boy, or male animal that has just been mentioned or is just about to be mentioned: a song of praise that Christians sing to God)
Were:  whirr( past simple of be: (especially of machines) to make a low, soft, continuous sound)
as: us(used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something: used as the object of a verb or a preposition to refer to a group that includes the speaker and at least one other person)


sábado, 30 de julio de 2016


it was a gorgeous love, fairly            
valuable and I like that curly…
curly and awesome hair.

She have that hair, spruce
with that eyes easy to use
With a surrounding bawn
With the smile dawn.

But with something awful
And that was the way she mash
With the other men unlawful…
Love from the trash

she painted on me like chalk
not easy to see but creates a shock
But she is like a sojer
with a look like a boulder.

The cander of my heart
was the Pander of my soul

They call me wuss
And they create a fuss
They call me fool

For loosing you

martes, 26 de julio de 2016

a true story, repeated word for word as i heard i- mark twain

" aunt rachel has gradually risen, while she warmed to her subject, and now she towered above us, black against the stars"



One autumn night- Maxim Gorky



sábado, 11 de junio de 2016


'Poor old chap! said Hughie, 'how miserable he looks! But I suppose, to you painters, his face is his fortune?'


When the "wild" animales put over their life the life of humans is caused by love or by being greatful about helping them for being alive, that's why a wild animal could help people and also put over their life for protecting who help it, not all animals are the dame, not all wild animals are assasins, in their heart exists something and how humans threat them would mark the difference.


                                              THE WONDER HEART
Each beautiful woman have a really incomprehensible heart, that one that shows some feelings that make you feel all but at the same time make you feel as nothing, as a depreciable and disgusting dust particle, also they tend to say that anyone know what they feel but there is something out there.
Every day in each action the women used to thought that everybody have to know what they think, what they are talking about, and also they feel like in a popular step of being “special”, the real explication for this is that every woman keep on them a secret, that evolving secret that anyone want to knows but she have something inside, that crazy part that used to keep that secret, that crazy part that makes them different and dangerous.
Oh but by other side, the way in which they hide that mystery is the way in which the mysterious things get in love with reality and with the dreams of having her on my arms, in the way in which the mystery would be the attractive and the element that creates love…mysterious and different love, that one that is always on mind but you doesn´t know why.
But when I realize I just have been loosed on that eyes, that gorgeous eyes that make me feel alive, hide, important, special…part of her mystery, part of her. I wish I could found something right there, something real or a real definition of feeling dead, but no dead of being on a thumb, better like being there for having not knowledge of what she hides…in that way I´m not alive.
I must try, I must understand, I must see on her what she hides, see it on how she acts but “women are meant to be loved, not to be understood” Oscar wilde and I decided to follow that, to love her, to give my all to her without asking only loving but I just want to understand or only to know, why if I love her a give her what I am, now she leave me and say before she goes…-you must understand-?
I decide to stop there and love her.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016



it is full of experiences 
of beautiful  gloom,
it is made of pebble trail faces
of horrible doom.

Also it is in constant scambling
with that elder pain
with a fear rambling
with the memories...slain

it tends to circumvent all
but fail with careless a lot,
all them play with it like a doll
and that causes a blood blot

i wish i could find contentment
not with stout 
but i only have resentment
there is no doubt

i think they find on it some easels
but when i reclemed them
they hide like filthy weasels
like disgusting phlegm.

all day with the sad dead rubbed
with the actions that screw
my heart is very clubbed
but continues looking with love at you..

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016


When the life is based on structural things, each moment in which you start making something different would be wrong for the others and would create a great problem because they are not accustomed.
“It had been my custom to throw the babes into the river which nature had thoughtfully provided for the purpose, but that night I did not dare to leave the oilery for fear of the constable. "After all," I said to myself, "it cannot greatly matter if I put it into this cauldron. My father will never know the bones from those of a puppy, and the few deaths which may result from administering another kind of oil for the incomparable ol. can. are not important in a population which increases so rapidly." In short, I took the first step in crime and brought myself untold sorrow by casting the babe into the cauldron” Bierce oil of dog.
In some moments you start thinking that making a change is awesome, but you make it in silence because you know that the others would silenciated you and take out that idea of your mind, but… is for real a good idea or only is an idea chosen by a impulse on the mind of the ones who never take care of what they think and only start creating (destroying) a new world of possibilities, but they still have the eyes closed, and the mind blind.
The way in which the heart, the mind and the eyes get blind and lost is by the time in which you start seeing  the thing in your way, only in the way you think are good, is also destroying when you leave that things like that controls you.

The society and the people the surrounds you would be never in pro of you, and the bad decision made by fast impulses would change your life in a moment, a change that is definitely delicious and destructive

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016



you can look for it on the next link:

in the life all the  tings that happen get hide by the goverment, any one that knows more ad want to show the reality get silenced by the hard way, anyone that was trying to say something about a dead man get includes like he was the murder, anything that a nomal citizen say would be bullshit for the goverment, and any men that have political power would make the imposible for hide the things in order or having more money and avoid more problems, they want us blind...the reality is not an option for them.
An illustration for the story The Hanging Stranger by the author Philip K. Dick



You can look for it on the next link:

( a good critique )in how the life pass by the sames eyes of him and how all pass  by the eyes of the men is awesome, because each stage of life, passing as pages, as insignificant pages that stole our thinking and show as the little aspects of life that broke our heart or contructed a new one, there is a stage of our mind, a place where all appears where all arrive, a place whwere each thinking and stage of life, are the same, a georgeous short storie, a written argument of life, hours of thinking about it, and a shock reaction by the  reality of life.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016



"Get him by the gills, by the gills!" Anton Chekhov - The fish
you can read the fish by Anton Chekhov  in the next link:

in culture is in how the people make that the others make many things by threating them as cowards, people without gills, that make anything for doesn´t be threated like that because in culture in real life a little word can affect people mind and that can affect more and more by the time, thats how a word could change you, how culture can affect you, and also in culture you have  to take by the gills the things, make it with courage and that make you sure on waht you do.

"you have no gills if you don´t read because you are a coward and a ignorant" a clearly strong comment...
the gills are them who used to read, to learn, to enjoy, to found new worlds on books, on pages, on precious letters, that people who get lose in their mind meanwhile they are reading, that people who leave their eyes replazing them by pages, that awesome people, and the cowards like us ( me) who doesn´t like to read because each page is like a poisoness part that destroy our ming, like a huge and heavy page only pasing the title, like the heart and mind stop, and nothing else get into ud, because we are cowards and now our eyes are in white without the knowledge that paints that vision with letters...

this is for me the relation, you have to be valient for understand or coward for die in blank

-fish by Anton Chekhov : https://americanliterature.com/author/anton-chekhov/short-story/the-fish

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


you can look for "A Defenseless Creature " by Anthon Chekhov on the next link: 

Which type of literature it is:

it is secondary literature because it is into the group in which are:
Newspaper, books, journals, internet, government publications.

Elements of the story:

it is on a bank 
Mr. Kistunov  works on a bank where Madame Shtchukin go asking for  his husband salary because he doesn´t received it, that woman says that she was a poor, weak and defenseless woman that does not have anything, and she insist on it, even than the money can be given by the bank, then Mr. Kistunov since the beginning of the day has a horrible migraine and he put so mad when the woman insist on the money, last but no least he give a little more than the woman was asking for, and that how the woman go, in conclusion the man of the bank stressed by that migrain pain and give the money for take out of the way that woman.

 bibliography references:
-Three types ofliterature: http://images.slideplayer.com/5/1491129/slides/slide_9.jpg
-A Defenseless Creature: https://americanliterature.com/author/anton-chekhov/short-story/a-defenseless-creature.