viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016



"Get him by the gills, by the gills!" Anton Chekhov - The fish
you can read the fish by Anton Chekhov  in the next link:

in culture is in how the people make that the others make many things by threating them as cowards, people without gills, that make anything for doesn´t be threated like that because in culture in real life a little word can affect people mind and that can affect more and more by the time, thats how a word could change you, how culture can affect you, and also in culture you have  to take by the gills the things, make it with courage and that make you sure on waht you do.

"you have no gills if you don´t read because you are a coward and a ignorant" a clearly strong comment...
the gills are them who used to read, to learn, to enjoy, to found new worlds on books, on pages, on precious letters, that people who get lose in their mind meanwhile they are reading, that people who leave their eyes replazing them by pages, that awesome people, and the cowards like us ( me) who doesn´t like to read because each page is like a poisoness part that destroy our ming, like a huge and heavy page only pasing the title, like the heart and mind stop, and nothing else get into ud, because we are cowards and now our eyes are in white without the knowledge that paints that vision with letters...

this is for me the relation, you have to be valient for understand or coward for die in blank

-fish by Anton Chekhov :

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


you can look for "A Defenseless Creature " by Anthon Chekhov on the next link:

Which type of literature it is:

it is secondary literature because it is into the group in which are:
Newspaper, books, journals, internet, government publications.

Elements of the story:

it is on a bank 
Mr. Kistunov  works on a bank where Madame Shtchukin go asking for  his husband salary because he doesn´t received it, that woman says that she was a poor, weak and defenseless woman that does not have anything, and she insist on it, even than the money can be given by the bank, then Mr. Kistunov since the beginning of the day has a horrible migraine and he put so mad when the woman insist on the money, last but no least he give a little more than the woman was asking for, and that how the woman go, in conclusion the man of the bank stressed by that migrain pain and give the money for take out of the way that woman.

 bibliography references:
-Three types ofliterature:
-A Defenseless Creature: